adding a feature for a Manager/Admin to mass update Record Field for Accounts.
This will help an Admin or a Manager to mass update the accounts record field to save time for their rep and ensure that all fields are corrected in bulk.
Marc Angelo De Guzman
about 1 year ago
in Accounts & Contacts
Already exists
Add new field “same address” as Account for Contacts
I’m finding it way too time consuming to input the same address & phone number for contacts since it’s the same address as the account. You should be able to click “use same address” as the account for contacts.
When attaching a patient to referral under the account, need to be able to search the crm and attach, not a free text box
"Patient" under new referral for an account is a free text box. It should be a selector search for patients in the database (or allow new patient to be added from here)
Sales uses the mobile app when in the field to enter contact information. It would be a time saver to be able to add the contacts date of birth from the mobile app so the client can run reports on DOB for contacts.