A report function to retrieve account hierarchies. Parent accounts down to subordinate accounts. This is already being generated in the Account details section of the parent account.
over 2 years ago
in Reporting
Future consideration
events to be grouped by rep with total count of events and actual completed time. This will allow managers to pull daily reports to see who planned their day prior to the day in an organized manor. by specific dates, unlike advance ae summary report
add in subject and actual completed time and Date Daily Visit report
On the daily visit report we do not have the ability to see what the "subject" of the call is, when the even was actually completed, and event purpose and expected outcome.
Bryan Costreie
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Already exists
Report Enhancement - Accounts with no completed events 120 days
Advanced AE Summary Report: Either 1.) add another metric to this that shows accounts assigned to rep that doesn't have completed activity in 120 days, OR 2.) When you click on the accounts that haven't been touched in 90 days to be able to sort b...
Mimi Freleaux
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Future consideration