Remove limitation to Characters for Work Phone number field when creating new contact in CRM
The format for the phone number in creating contact in CRM is only 10 Characters, and it cuts off the 2 digit of the phone number when copy and pasted .with the Country code.
on MOBILE APP, when under an account - it would be helpful when creating a Contact that it automatically associates to the Account you were in when you chose contact (and add)
It would be beneficial to see an audit trail of an individual account, contact, or referral where the ownership was requested, approved/denied, or changed and all users involved.
A reoccurring event scheduler that can change and parameters for set days for multiple accounts at the same time.
Example, X1 a Monday on Mondays I go to the same 10 accounts. Allowing the user to set clients reoccurring visit parameters for all several accounts at once.
Our team mentioned it would be great to get automatic reminders when a contact's birthday is approaching. These would automatically generate from the birthday in the Contact's record, rather than being manually created.
Add ability to attach a picture to an account, contact or event.
It would be very helpful to be able to attach a picture of a business card, flyer, brochure, pic of building etc to an event, Account or contact. Especially when learning about new accounts.