Create a feature in the CRM to easily identify top accounts by referrals and admits that is fluid and real time
It would be helpful to have the ability in the CRM to easily run a report that identifies top accounts by highest number of referrals and highest number of admits. Ideally this report is fluid so customer can regularly identify top accounts on whi...
Laura Green
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Already exists
add in subject and actual completed time and Date Daily Visit report
On the daily visit report we do not have the ability to see what the "subject" of the call is, when the even was actually completed, and event purpose and expected outcome.
Bryan Costreie
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Already exists
We'd like a report that shows how many times an Account has been marketed to, in a date range. Under Calendar Events > Printable View > give an Excel spreadsheet option? That would also help.
Cheryl Spaans
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Already exists