It would be helpful not having to restart every time you go to market spotlight to view a doctor's profile.. As well as being able to search for the doctor after you've been in market spotlight if you didnt assigning yourself as The rep prior to e...
Hannnah Mercer-Mills
over 1 year ago
in Market Data
Currently, orders do not capture accounts of the provider. It would be helpful to be able to create a new order from the patient profile, and it automatically bring in the prescriber and facility assigned to patient.
We'd like a report that shows how many times an Account has been marketed to, in a date range. Under Calendar Events > Printable View > give an Excel spreadsheet option? That would also help.
Cheryl Spaans
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Already exists
Reports>consider breaking out reports into which should be used daily, weekly. monthly
have we considered breaking out or grouping together, reports that sales managers should use daily, weekly, monthly? this will help with setting a regular cadence & won't be so overwhelming