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CRM Idea Center

Pinned ideas

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PINNED Customize Ratings
Customers want the ability to customize what is in the Account/Contact Rating field.
PINNED Interactive Map with Account Pins by Address
Similar to the market spotlight Map but focused on users BoB Accounts. This would show ALL Accounts in a reps BoB. When they select the pin they should have an option for Details and Schedule Event.

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When choosing 2 contacts under an account for an event it shouod count as two seperate events.

It saves time entering when you talk to multiple contacts but you need so many calls per week
Guest over 1 year ago in Accounts & Contacts 0

Mass Update in Reporting

I will be able to utilize reports such as AE detailed account summary report to manage and rate accounts in my teams BoB from the report.
Bryan Costreie over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Will not implement

Grey out reports that are not applicable to CRM users w/o integration

When a customer doesn't have integration with CRM, and looks at the reports list on Reports, there are reports such as conversion reports that are not usable w/o integration. This can be confusing to the customer.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Will not implement

Add new field “same address” as Account for Contacts

I’m finding it way too time consuming to input the same address & phone number for contacts since it’s the same address as the account. You should be able to click “use same address” as the account for contacts.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Accounts & Contacts 1 Already exists

When using the computer version, it would be nice to be able to scroll through different pages of contacts and select multiple contacts on different pages.

when entering the contacts on desktop version, it would be nice to pick one contact and scroll to the next page and keep that previous contact selected. Would save a lot of time when working on desktop
Guest almost 2 years ago in Calendar & Events 0

Task Points/Vaules

can you add an option to show the actual points we have received for the tasks…as well as the completed tasks count?
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0

Adding a map to pin point accounts and contacts

Idea: To have a map function that will pinpoint the location of an account or contact using their address.
john Agravante almost 2 years ago in Accounts & Contacts 0 Already exists

Parent Account Roll up On Mobile

Mobile does not function as Web, Where the parent account will have visibility to all of the "child accounts", Contacts at the parent account level, and referrals do not roll up on mobile.
Bryan Costreie almost 2 years ago in Accounts & Contacts 0 Will not implement

separate call notes for managers during ride alongs

add another call/visit notes box that is for managers only. this box should only be allowed to be editable by a manager or admin role
Guest almost 2 years ago in Calendar & Events 0

add a section for phone extensions

There should be a section for main phone number, direct office phone number, and extension.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Accounts & Contacts 0